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tv   News  ABC  November 9, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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you still need to bundle up. it's not as cold but we can see the temperatures at 37 degrees right now in millersville at 36. 35 in pilesville. the temperatures are below average. we should be at 39 now for this time of the year. we have a wind chill throughout as well because the winds are out of the northwest at 5 to 10 miles an hour. we look at the radar, we are nice and dry. we have the sweeps on. not a lot to see we're starting a trend. when you wake up, cold, chilly and the temperature at 48 degrees. look at the sunshine that we'll see through the day. and the temperatures at 53 degrees. let's go over to you. well much better than the
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20-degree weather we were dealing with. and we're dealing with a mess of water -- massive break in baltimore. you will want to avoid north charles street. you can use calvert and st. paul and 83. they will be the best route. that break is so large it will take time to mix. on 95: is what it look -- on 95, this is what it looks like. and no delays through the fort mchenry tunnel. and the drive times the beltway is going to be in great shape. normal conditions. 11 minutes from 95 up to 83. and the west side of the beltway will remain clear. and how to avoid a fiscal this is an 11 minute ride 795 to 95. megan and charlie to you. -- fiscal >> flight from denver landed safely in washington, dc. after it had an emergency. now you may be wondering what is the problem a passenger praying in the aisle.
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it was escorted to dulles. and a spokesperson said the passenger was not following the instructions for landing. he was taken off the plane in cuffs and questioned by the police. and 700,000 customers are without power in the northeast all because of that nor'easter that added to the problems for the region and grappling with the damage left by sandy. the storm pounded the area with snow and rains and it is creating a deadly situation for those still in the dark after sandy. >> we got our power last friday and it is back out today. so frustrated is a fair word. >> the storm dumped a foot of snow. outages stretch from delaware to maine. more help is on the way. workers are helping the victims who are left in the cold and dark. more than 20 specialists left for new york.
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they will help restore power to manhattan and queens. many people from new york and new jersey, they're in the need and people in maryland recovering from the hurricane that hit us and the devastation. and it is your chance to help the victims here in our state. and sherrie johnson has more on how can you help. >> in about 30 minutes, volunteers will be here in front of the aquarium to accept donations. people can stop by here and drop off some items. they will help those in maryland. it is called the crab capital of the world. a bus will be here accepting donations, heaters, cleaning supplies and tools. once the items are gathered, officials from the golden ring
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transportation department will deliver the items. again can you drop off those items right here in the circumstance until front of the building here from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. that's about 30 qminutes you ca start dropping off the items and fill up the bus to deliver it to the families who need it to help them get on their feet. there has been a vote nov confidence a letter that was sent to the executive officer by the police union, it claims the vote was taken last month. three out of four voted no confidence in his ability to run the department. memberships will discuss the vote next week. new cruisers hit the street today in baltimore. new cars will be delivered to the city. the commissioner will be on hand at the northeast district when they arrive.
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there will be 90 cruisers being delivered. 5:34. the army private who leaked government files has offered to plead guilty to some of the charges. that's acarding to an attorney but bradley manning has been in jail for two years for allegedly handing over classified documents to wiki leaks. and the offer was made during a hearing on wednesday. one of the hottest video games is touted for its realism and that's thanks to the corrections from navy seals -- and contributess from navy seals -- from the navy seals. they are now being punished. the move means they will be ineligible for promotion and it ends their career. they showed their gear and
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disclosing classified materials. tough see this thieves pulling off a heist that you thought you would see in the movies. remember the italian job, like that. it is caught on camera. six men with axes and bats ride into a mall in london. take a look at this. they smashed the window and make off with 3 million of watches. they were found a short time later. a firefighter responding to a emergency is the target of a chase. video shows the officer chasing a black car. inside the car is dan dean who has flashers and a siren on. he said when he pulled over he yelled for him to put his hands up what he saw next shocked him. he drew his gun the police department says his car matched the description of a police imposter and believes the officer did act appropriately.
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dean has filed a claim against the department. and the screams of team edward and team jacob beginning. coming up, how far a woman was willing to go to be one of the first to see the movie. is that authentic? >> yes. the national guard will make it easier to keep in touch with those on the battle front. what they are doing. you want to see this story.
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a winter wonderland doesn't just happen. it takes some doing. some coordinating. and a trip to the one place with the new ideas that help us pull it all together. from the things that hang and shine... the things that sparkle and jingle. all while saving the things that go in our wallet. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, get an assortment of martha stewart living ornamen,s free when you purchase select artificial trees.
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i am making crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. wow, i'm impressed! [ ding ] dad, the cable's out! you got that right? [ kiss ] thank you ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner.
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pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. fan does not need to be hold next weekend will be big. >> the final installment hits the theaters friday in los angeles. and it premiers on monday. >> and the twi hards are lining up to get a look at the stars. 2200 people from around the world registered to camp out. one person from maryland is one of those. >> we planned this right after
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the last premier and has been saving up our time. >> and breaking part 1 drew in a large crowd. it has take non-2.5 billion. good thing it is california. it will be chilly here, right? >> edward or jacob. >> edward. >> i have no idea who you are talking about. we're under a clear sky now. look at the sunrise at 6:44. look at the sunset. we check out what is going on at 5 miles an hour making that feel colder than that. this is what you will deal with this morning. manage sure that you have the big coat on, you need it.
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as we go throughout the day, you will peel things off. the temperature at 56 trees. we'll call it cool. now the traffic with lauren. >> and wear the purple here. if you are in the neighborhood avoid north charles street. shutting it down from penn station to 21st street. stick with calvert or 83 as the alternate routes. as we take a look at the lines, no problems through the tunnels. this is 695 on the west side. normal continues and no delays. back over to you. if you are looking for work, baltimore may be the place to be today. >> where the dozens of employers are meeting today and who they will look to hire. the men could never have enough ties. get them one that's for sick children. i'm linda so. where can you find the ties
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coming up. ♪
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♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. today is miracle tie day. >> the ties support the children at hop kin's
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children's center. and linda so has more on the ties. >> reporter: good morning to you. mia's family joined us. you drove up last night, stayed in a hotel so could you be with us. thank you for being here. and her sister, mother, father and brother joining us this morning. tell bus her, she had cystic fibrosis. >> she was six weeks old they found out and we had been going to johns hopkins since. they took care of her. >> reporter: she drew the tie before she passed away. tell bus it, it has a present on it. >> a favorite thing to do at hopkins was to play bingo. she knew she would get a present whether she won or not. i have a feeling that the present was one of -- one of her favorite, she knew she would get one. >> reporter: dad, were you
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saying that all around town people are supporting you guys. you have school, teachers. classmates, nurses, all buying these. how does it make you feel and you see a tie. >> it is great all of her school, teachers and classmates. and we tried to keep it a secret from her mother-in-law so it would be a surprise. very nice >> to see your sister's design, it looks great. that is special. >> this is very special. it is amazing to see that what she drew is on the tie. >> wonderful. >> going forward. >> this is a picture of mia.
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>> what kind of girl was she. >> a spunky and had a spunky attitude. loved to cheer and dance. she was -- she made crafts out of duct tape. she was a very happy lovable girl. >> always going. >> and you said the first time that you heard about the ties, this has been going on for years now. it has to be a part of something like this. >> it is wonderful. we were treated like family. they showed us her picture was 8 by 10 and to future on a tie was wonderful. we were not sure how it would end up. it is beautiful. >> this is special for you. thank you for driving up and staying in a hotel with us. >> can you find the ties at jos
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a. bank. and miracle tie collection. we're live in towson, linda so, abc 2 news. and five things you may want to know. soldiers and villagers will testify against an army sergeant who killed 16 civilians. and robert bales is facing -- facing the chargesment he could face death. and more johns are named in a prostitution scandal. there are names who solaced services from a fitness instructo there will be lawsuits filed against eight prices who are price gouging people following sandy. a candidate in south florida wants owl voting machines and ballots to be impounded. alan west cites irregularities as the reason behind the request. he is 2400 votes behind his
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rival. pregnancy tests can detect some types of cancer in men. doctors say the hormone in those cancers produced by cells in a woman during pregnancy. and check out a job fair today in montgomery. 35 companies are taking part in the event. it is open and veterans and spouses the fair is at the war memorial on north gay street today. and imagine going months, year or more, without seeing your family. that's what military families go through daily. the national guard is testing a feed today to the soldiers in afghanistan so they can talk to their loved ones. they are supporting enduring freedom. they are based in edgewood. and a great thing at the bank and then on sunday. ravens are playing. let's go to lynette to find out more. >> we're starting out on a cold
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note, we'll see lots of sunshine throughout the day. that's going to continue when the temperatures will warm up as well. bundle up and 39. hickory 36 degrees now. 38 in chestertown. and chester. 41 in easton coming in. we look at the wind today. they will not be as breezy as they were the other days but we still have a wind chill with the winds out of the west at 5 miles an hour. more of the same in hagerstown. work and pressure building in. it will bring in plenty of sunshine throughout the day. that will continue as we go through the next several days. woo very a warming trend. sunny skies. 56 degrees. 36 tonight. 62 degrees by tomorrow. we will have sunshine and warmer even as we go into sunday as we do have the ravens playing at 1:00. the temperature then is 62 and look at what we have by monday.
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67. fabulous the next chance for showers roll in here on tuesday. let's check traffic. good morning. >> good morning to you. i love the weekend ahead of us. traveling on 83. no delays down to 695. it will remain nice and clear as you get on the jfx. and checking in and looking outside here in parkville. no delays whatsoever. it will be clear if you are going to the inner loop. outer loop. 11 minutes to get from 95 all the way to 83. there are no concerns on the west side. you are looking at a ride as well. and everything is up to speed, traveling through the tunnel. it will take you eight minutes northbound from 695 all the way to the toll plaza. that's a look at your time saver traffic. over to you. the crash and glass the metal. if you have been to a monster
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truck show you know how noisy it is. >> now how big foot is taking a greener approach. what are you doing there?
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i am making crescent bacon cheddar pinwheels. wow, i'm impressed! [ ding ] dad, the cable's out! you got that right? [ kiss ] thank you ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. with lysol disinfectant spray. and use the lysol no touch hand soap for 10 times more protection with each wash. this season, a good offense is the best defense. lysol. mission for health.
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when you go to a monster truck show you are prepared to talk louder. >> big foot is the brain child of mike chandler. they converted it to run on electricity. he is proud of turning over a new greener leaf. >> the truck is quiet, and inside can you hear every bit of the crunch. the joints. >> question monster truck t takes 36 batteries to power it. don't be surprised if he see them in the future. at 6:00, texting and drive something a hot issue for teen drivers. what else you need to think about behind the wheel.
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and what the chances of recovery are for one star diagnosed with cancer.
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